A Religious Experience: Fried Chicken and Waffles

Prepare to see the face of god pal

That was the comment from my friend Wayne on my tweet/Facebook post of Wednesday, July 2:

I can’t help but think my whole life has been building toward eating fried chicken and waffles. ‪#‎hamont‪ #‎staxx‪ #‎soon

It was obviously a joke, obviously not. I’ve loved fried chicken for as long as I’ve been a breath-taker. I was raised on it. Thick, succulent, gastronomically and spiritually fulfilling, fried chicken was a family tradition growing up in Herring Cove, N.S.

Practically every birthday (and with two parents, five siblings, four immediate in-laws, nine nieces and nephews, and an aunt next door — there were plenty of birthdays), we’d get a huge order of KFC. Or, as our mother would say, we’d “get a big feed of chicken.” To this day, on the anniversary of mom’s death or her birthday, some of us in the family get a big feed of chicken.

But despite its high protein content and deliciousness, everyone knows fried chicken isn’t the healthiest food choice (It would be blasphemous for me to say it’s unhealthy.). So I eat it sparingly now.

As for waffles, what smells better than freshly prepared waffles (outside of fried chicken)? Take that warm, floury treat, slop on the maple syrup (the real stuff), and hello! What’s not to love? I love waffles, but I rarely eat them. There’s carbs in them.

And of course I’d heard of fried chicken and waffles as a meal before. But I’d forgotten about it until a couple of months ago at work, when I was reminded as I edited some FC&W recipes.

It was a revelation. I drooled over every word, and the pictures with the recipes were eye- and artery-poppingly delicious.

Now I don’t want to overstate it and say that since then, fried chicken and waffles have been all I’ve thought about. But since then, fried chicken and waffles have been all I’ve thought about.

And then, one day, walking along King Street East in my new home of Hamilton, Ont. — there, at No. 236 across the street —  Staxx Burger Chicken and Waffle House!


Could it be? Is it a sign from God? I’ve posted previously about my uneasy relationship with God, but He works in mysterious ways, right?

Is now the time for me to experience the delectable, high-calorie combo of fried chicken and waffles? Is this the right path for me?

Only one way to find out.

On this day, Saturday, July 5, 2014, In the Year of Our Lord, I make my first trip to Staxx. My order: Three pieces of fried chicken, two waffles, a little tub o’ coleslaw, hot sauce and maple syrup (the real stuff) on the side.

And when my order comes, the aroma is overwhelming — a hearty basket of down-home warmth, everything fresh, fresh, fresh. I’d forgotten the rich flavour of waffles and maple syrup, and the chicken is unlike any I’ve had before. There’s a sharpness to the flavour, and I hear something about a secret ingredient.

photoI thought a fried chicken-waffle combo might be too much action for my gizzard at once. But the strong flavours combine harmoniously, and I’ve got some leftovers for later. I will be back to Staxx.

I don’t know if she’s watching from above, but I do know mom would approve this feed. I’ll definitely re-indulge on the anniversary of her death.

And Wayne, I don’t know if I saw the face of God. But I do know my stomach went to heaven. 😉

Published by jimreyno2013

Dog and cat lover, writer, editor, occasional mandolin picker, trying to watch what I eat instead of just inhaling it.

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